
super quick back story: about a month ago i bought a mobile wifi device from verizon.

okay, so, a few days ago i was checking my email like i usually do, and i got an email from verizon. "k... i didnt know i was on your mailing list dude"

headline: "iPad. Coming October 28."

so im like oh nice, good for you verizon.


start reading, "buy the bundle of a wifi only ipad and mifi...

i think, thats kind of silly to carry around two things when att has it built in.

then i keep reading and then it says, "no obligation data plan starting at $20 for 1GB" and im like what, the fuck.

the plan i signed up for was 39.99 for 250MB aka 1/4 the service for twice the cost.

i think well maybe theres something different about it from what i have...

i start digging.

i find the all knowing magical oracle guide, mr. FAQ

interestinggggg, seems to be the exact same mifi device i have that shares wifi with 5 devices.... and whats this?! $35 for 3GB?! thatsss? 12 times the service for $5 LESS!

i keep looking.....

Q: If a customer already has a MiFi 2200 (thats me) and would like to purchase iPad (not me) and take advantage of the promotional bundle pricing (its only a promo now??), can they?
A: No (!!!), customers will only be eligible for the new bunlde data plans when purchasing the iPad and mifi 220 promotional bundle. However, they could still purhcase a WiFi only version of iPad and use it with their existing (now, "huge rip-off") mifi and service agreement.

soooo, in response to this great offer enclosed in this unsolicited email, in order to avoid feeling raped everyday for 2 years, i have to either 1) get them to give me the same deal the ipad people are getting 2) terminate the service i have now... perhaps sign up for satellite internet 3) buy the bundle, sell the ipad and mifi on ebay and activate the new service with my old device.

some how i think i can blame this on steve

steve jobs (made in china) wants to rape me